Commerical Law Firm 4.0
“MTG is now making the lives of entrepreneurs even easier. Thanks to our secure online platform, electronic communication and document exchange with us has never been so simple and comfortable.”
(Karl Ferstl, Public Accountant/Tax Advisor)
At our commercial law firm we offer what is described in other sectors as “Industry 4.0” – integrating customers and business partners into business and value-added processes. That way we tap into huge productivity potential, as we are convinced that digitalisation has fundamentally changed the way consultants and clients work together. At our company, “Commercial Law Firm 4.0” has already become reality. We use state-of-the-art cloud technologies to make the work processes between us and our clients considerably more efficient.
MTG OneClick – Simply improved cooperation
The digital revolution is well underway and is changing our lives. People, markets and commerce are networked globally. Even today, digitalisation shapes the way we live, work and communicate – and will do so even more in the future. This poses a fundamental challenge – for our sector as well. Above and beyond the data service, the MTG OneClick is being developed as an information platform for your company, enabling an efficient form of communication and cooperation between us and our clients, and also the data exchange with authorities and institutions.
We are very pleased that MTG has been certified as an ADDISON OneClick Firm. This certification is handed out to companies which employees are highly qualified in dealing with ADDISON OneClick.
Five of our employees successfully completed this intensive training and can now refer to themselves as ADDISON OneClick Certified Consultants. At MTG they are the POC’s when it comes to digitalization. They can also render advice to our clients when it comes to individually selecting apps for digital collaboration.
We are especially happy receiving this certification because we are now able to provide our clients with the same level of advice on program related questions as any ADDISON advisor.
The security of your data is our first priority.
MTG OneClick is a cloud solution that is based on state-of-the-art data centre technology and meets the most stringent security requirements. MTG OneClick serves as a data hub and clearing centre for notifications sent to institutions such as social insurance and health insurance providers. The datacentre fulfils the requirements of the statutory DIN and ISO standards and was certified with the “Certified and controlled data protection” seal by the Technical Inspection Agency of Saarland, Germany.
We have thereby created a whole range of opportunities to make our clients’ data accessible in a protected environment. You can find more information on MTG OneClick, data security and data protection in these documents:
With MTG OneClick and our ADDISON software, we have a unique selling point. With our Portal’s cloud solution we can offer our clients customised applications for accounting and HR as well as online cooperation, which means that many work processes can be automatised and administrative tasks simplified.
Please contact us if you want to know more about our
MTG OneClick and everything we offer online.
Your contact partners will be pleased to hear from you!

Bachelor of business administration
Karl Ferstl
Public Accountant/Tax Advisor
Our Expertise

Business and asset succession

Bankruptcy and reorganisation advice

International Service

Consulting for municipalities

Energy sector