Cross border structures –
International tax law
“There should be an overall strategy underlying your international tax structures.”
(Maria Janker, Tax Advisor)
Our mission:
Business is conducted more than ever in global marketplaces. Tax solutions must therefore meet all the global requirements of our customers. Our specialized tax teams provide expertise for all of your questions.
As a member of AGN International, we can rely on expertise worldwide to meet the international tax requirements of our clients.
Our services include:
- Tax advice on domestic and foreign investments
- Tax support for multinational assets
- Relocation of tax residence, exit and entry tax
- Advice on international asset transfers
- International corporate (re-)structuring
- Financing, licensing and withholding tax optimization
- Minimizing global taxation through of double taxation agreements
- International cost allocation
- Transfer price documentation
- Sales tax: chain and triangular transactions
Our goal:
To optimize your company’s operational, financial and fiscal structures in order to improve your profitability significantly. Tax law is not a core process, but an essential support process. Take advantage of our comprehensive expertise!
AGN International Ltd (and its regional affiliates; together “AGN”) is a not-for-profit worldwide membership association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses. AGN does not provide services to the clients of its members, which are provided by Members alone. AGN and its Members are not in partnership together, they are neither agents of nor obligate one another, and they are not responsible or liable for each other’s services, actions or inactions.
More information on the subject
international service:
Do you have any questions about international tax law?
Your contact partner will be pleased to hear from you!

Our Expertise

Business and asset succession

Bankruptcy and reorganisation advice

International Service

Consulting for municipalities

Energy sector