Hochhaus MTG Bayern Wirtschaftskanzlei Bueros

Construction law

“Comprehensive legal adivse, the solution for your concern.”
(Klaus Bloch, Lawyer)

Due to their complexity, cases in the area of building & construction law require a trusting coooperation between client and attorney, as well as an intensive engagement with the issue at hand. Our clients are construction firms, contractors, architecture and engineer service firms, project developers as well as public and municipial entities, which we counsel on all matters of public and private building and construction law.

Our attorneys all have many years of experience and a high degree of specialization.

Areas of specialization of our attorneys

We provide:

  • Support compiling building plans
  • Advice regarding the issuance of building permits
  • Counsel regarding development contracts
  • Support drafting architect and engineer service contracts, as well as pre-construction contracts
  • Ongoing legal construction support
  • Support defending against and enforcing claims related to construction deficiencies and malpractice

The area of building and construction law requires to draft a course of action early. Please contact our experts ahead of time and seek legal guidance for your project.

Do you have any questions about construction law?

Your contact partner will be pleased to hear from you!

Portrait von Klaus Bloch Rechtsanwalt der MTG Wirtschaftskanzlei

Klaus Bloch

Employee Lawyer

Specialist lawyer for administrative law
Specialist lawyer for building and architectural law
Lecturer at the OTH Regensburg
for building planning and building regulation law
