Law of succession
“We help you to avoid economic or even family difficulties.”
(Matthias Käsbauer, Lawyer)
Never before have so many assets been transferred or bequeathed in Germany. One more reason to plan your own transfer of assets early on and in precise detail, whether you intend this to occur during your lifetime or by testamentary disposition, and to seek skilled advice in this regard, as there is no other field of law where mistakes in form are penalised so mercilessly.
Ask our lawyers early for advice and representation in the following matters:
- Creating testamentary dispositions such as wills
- Transfers of companies within the family
- Consistent exploitation of tax advantages
- Systematic claiming of tax exemptions
- Enforcing and defending claims in accordance with inheritance laws
- Disputes among communities of heirs
Failed transfers of assets or inheritances create precedents, whether in regard to civil law or taxation, and can generally no longer be remedied. Take charge of your assets yourself in cooperation with the experts from MTG Commercial Law Firm, and don’t leave it to chance. Stick to the principle of “professionally controlled property management”.
Do you have any questions about Law of succession?
Your contact partners will be pleased to hear from you!

Matthias Käsbauer
Employee Lawyer

Rainer Müller
Tax Advisor
Additional qualification: Specialist consultant for business succession (DTsV E.V.)
+49 9441 2970-0